-- card: 4482 from stack: in.1 -- bmap block id: 4809 -- flags: 4000 -- background id: 2737 -- name: n if WList = "" then pass CommandKeyDown else if there is a window (item 1 of WList) then close window (item 1 of WList) else delete item 1 of WList do the Params exit CommandKeyDown end if end if else pass CommandKeyDown end CommandKeyDown global WList on KeyDown aKey -- 3 = Enter ; 13 = Return if WList ­ "" then pass KeyDown if charToNum(aKey) is in "3 ,(13)" then set hilite of cd btn "Quitter" to true wait 35 set hilite of cd btn "Quitter" to false send mouseUp to cd btn "Quitter" else pass KeyDown end KeyDown on mouseDownInPicture close window param(1) end mouseDownInPicture Ć°Ć°Ć°Ć°Ć°Ć°Ć°Ć° Pictoid handlers + Ć°Ć°Ć°Ć°Ć°Ć° on openPictoid WName global WList put WName & "," before WList end openPictoid on ClosePictoid WName global WList repeat with i = number of items of WList down to 1 if item i of WList = WName then delete item i of WList exit repeat end if end repeat end closePictoid on mouseDownInPictoid WName if WName = "MPadLink Pub" then close window Wname exit mouseDownInPictoid else global WList set cursor to watch if item 1 of WList ­ WName then repeat with i = 2 to number of items of WList if item i of WList = WName then delete item i of WList exit repeat end if end repeat put WName & "," before WList end if end mouseDownInPictoid function dept numbDept,nom,code,clŽ return numbDept &" - " &nom& "." &return&"Code tŽlŽphonique dŽpartemental : " & code &return &return& "NumŽro abonnŽ ˆ faire prŽcŽder du " & clŽ end dept function Reg nom,zone,clŽ return "RŽgion "&nom&return &"Elle sera intŽgrŽe ˆ la nouvelle zone tŽlŽphonique Ç" &zone&"È." & return & "Faire prŽcŽder les 8 chiffres du "& clŽ &"." end Reg on MouseUpInPictoid WName,WId,ShpType,S,clkLoc,same -- S = ShpNb if not same then beep 2 answer "Erreur 220 volts - Utilisateur inadvertant ou fatiguŽ."&return&"Le curseur a changŽ de zone gŽographique lors du clic." & return &"Impossible d'accŽder ˆ votre requte." & return  &"Veuillez recommencer." exit MouseUpInPictoid end if set numberFormat to "00" if S = 0 and WName ­ "Le trŽsor" then exit MouseUpInPictoid if WName is "RŽgions" then if S is "1" then answer Reg("Bretagne :","Nord-Ouest","02") if S is "2" then answer Reg("Basse-Normandie :","Nord-Ouest","02") if S is "3" then answer Reg("Haute-Normandie :","Nord-Ouest","02") if S is "4" then answer Reg("Nord-Pas-de Calais :","Nord-Est","03") if S is "5" then answer Reg("Picardie :","Nord-Est","03") if S is "6" then answer Reg("Champagne-Ardennes :","Nord-Est","03") if S is "7" then answer Reg("Lorraine :","Nord-Est","03") if S is "8" then answer Reg("Alsace :","Nord-Est","03") if S is "9" then answer Reg("Ile-de-France :","Ile-de-France","01") if S is "10" then answer Reg("Centre :","Nord-Ouest","02") if S is "11" then answer Reg("Pays de Loire :","Nord-Ouest","02") if S is "12" then answer Reg("Poitou-Charentes :","Sud-Ouest","05") if S is "13" then answer Reg("Limousin :","Sud-Ouest","05") if S is "14" then answer Reg("Auvergne :","Sud-Est","04") if S is "15" then answer Reg("Bourgogne :","Nord-Est","03") if S is "16" then answer Reg("Rh™ne-Alpes :","Sud-Est","04") if S is "17" then answer Reg("Franche-ComtŽ :","Nord-Est","03") if S is "18" then answer Reg("Aquitaine :","Sud-Ouest","05") if S is "19" then answer Reg("Midi-PyrŽnŽes :","Sud-Ouest","05") if S is "20" then answer Reg("Languedoc-Roussillon :","Sud-Est","04") if S is "21" then answer Reg("Provence-Alpes-C™te d'Azur :","Sud-Est","04") if S is "22" then answer Reg("Corse :","Sud-Est","04") if S is "23" then answer "Etes-vous vraiment certain que je suis une rŽgion ?" with "Succeptible" or "avec a !!" end if if WName is "DŽpartements" then if S is "1" then answer dept(14,Calvados,31,02) if S is "2" then answer dept(70,"Haute-Sa™ne",84,03) if S is "3" then answer dept(53,Mayenne,43,02) if S is "4" then answer dept(26,Dr™me,75,04) if S is "5" then answer dept(45,Loire,38,02) if S is "6" then answer dept(18,Cher,48,02) if S is "7" then answer dept(04,"Alpes de Haute-Provence",92,04) if S is "8" then answer dept(12,Aveyron,65,05) if S is "9" then answer dept(86,Vienne,49,05) if S is "10" then answer dept(68,"Haut-Rhin",89,03) if S is "11" then answer "2A - Corse-du-sud."&return&"2B - Haute-Corse."&return  &"Code tŽlŽphonique dŽpartemental: 95"&return&return& "NumŽro abonnŽ ˆ faire prŽcŽder du 04." if S is "12" then answer dept(59,Nord,"20 - 27 ou 28",03) if S is "13" then answer dept(62,"Pas-de-Calais",21,03) if S is "14" then answer dept(80,Somme,22,03) if S is "15" then answer dept(76,"Seine-Martime",35,02) if S is "16" then answer dept(27,Eure,32,02) if S is "17" then answer dept(60,Oise,44,03) if S is "18" then answer dept(02,Aisne,23,03) if S is "19" then answer dept(61,Orne,33,02) if S is "20" then answer dept(28,"Eure-et-Loir",37,02) if S is "21" then answer dept(51,Marne,26,03) if S is "22" then answer dept(55,Meuse,29,03) if S is "23" then answer dept(54,"Meurthe-et-Moselle","8É",03) if S is "24" then answer dept(67,"Bas-Rhin",88,03) if S is "25" then answer dept(25,Doubs,81,03) if S is "26" then answer dept(35,"Ille-et-Vilaine",99,02) if S is "27" then answer dept(22,"C™tes-d'Armor",96,02) if S is "28" then answer dept(29,Finistre,98,02) if S is "29" then answer dept(56,Morbihan,97,02) if S is "30" then answer dept(72,Sarthe,43,02) if S is "31" then answer dept(41,"Loir-et-Cher",54,02) if S is "32" then answer dept(89,Yonne,86,03) if S is "33" then answer dept(49,"Maine-et-Loire",41,02) if S is "34" then answer dept(37,"Indre-et-Loire",47,02) if S is "35" then answer dept(79,"Deux-Svres",49,05) if S is "36" then answer dept(39,Jura,84,03) if S is "37" then answer dept(58,Nivre,86,03) if S is "38" then answer dept(03,Allier,70,04) if S is "39" then answer dept(01,Ain,"85 - 7É - 79 - 74 ou 50",04) if S is "40" then answer dept(23,Creuse,55,05) if S is "41" then answer dept(16,Charente,45,05) if S is "42" then answer dept(17,"Charente-Maritime",46,05) if S is "43" then answer dept(33,Gironde,"56 - 57",05) if S is "44" then answer dept(24,Dordogne,53,05) if S is "45" then answer dept(47,"Lot-et-Garonne",53,05) if S is "46" then answer dept(19,Corrze,55,05) if S is "47" then answer dept(87,"Haute-Vienne",55,05) if S is "48" then answer dept(52,"Haute-Marne",25,03) if S is "49" then answer dept(15,Cantal,71,04) if S is "50" then answer dept(63,"Puy-de-D™me",73,04) if S is "51" then answer dept(40,Landes,58,05) if S is "52" then answer dept(64,"PyrŽnŽes-Atlantiques",59,05) if S is "53" then answer dept(65,"Hautes-PyrŽnŽes",62,05) if S is "54" then answer dept(06,"Alpes-Maritimes",92,04) if S is "55" then answer dept(43,"Haute-Loire",71,04) if S is "56" then answer dept(32,Gers,62,05) if S is "57" then answer dept(31,"Haute-Garonne","61 - 62",05) if S is "58" then answer dept(81,Tarn,63,05) if S is "59" then answer dept(07,Ardche,75,04) if S is "60" then answer dept(38,Isre,"7É - 74 ou 76",04) if S is "61" then answer dept(48,Lozre,66,04) if S is "62" then answer dept(30,Gard,66,04) if S is "63" then answer dept(66,"PyrŽnŽes-Orientales",68,04) if S is "64" then answer dept(34,HŽrault,67,04) if S is "65" then answer dept(09,Arige,61,05) if S is "66" then answer dept(11,Aude,68,04) if S is "67" then answer dept(13,"Bouches-du-Rh™ne","90 - 91 ou 42",04) if S is "68" then answer dept(83,Var,94,04) if S is "69" then answer dept(05,"Hautes-Alpes",92,04) if S is "70" then answer dept(71,"Sa™ne-et-Loire",85,03) if S is "71" then answer dept(90,"Territoire de Belfort",84,03) if S is "72" then answer dept(88,Vosges,29,03) if S is "73" then answer dept(21,"C™te-d'Or",80,03) if S is "74" then showIdF if S is "75" then answer dept(77,"Seine-et-Marne","6É",01) if S is "76" then answer dept(84,Vaucluse,90,03) if S is "77" then answer dept(46,Lot,65,05) if S is "78" then answer dept(85,VendŽe,51,02) if S is "79" then answer dept(10,Aube,25,03) if S is "80" then answer dept(08,Ardennes,24,03) if S is "81" then answer dept(57,Moselle,"8É",03) if S is "82" then answer dept(44,"Loire-Atlantique","40 - 51",02) if S is "83" then answer dept(36,Indre,54,02) if S is "84" then answer dept(69,Rh™ne,"72 - 74 ou 78",04) if S is "85" then answer dept(74,"Haute-Savoie",50,04) if S is "86" then answer dept(73,Savoie,79,04) if S is "87" then answer dept(82,"Tarn-et-Garonne",63,05) if S is "90" then answer dept(50,Manche,33,02) if S is "91" then answer dept(42,Loire,77,04) if S is "92" then answer "Etes-vous certain que je suis un dŽpartement ???" with "Succeptible" or "avec a !!" if S is "93" then if there is a window "Au Secours !" then close window "Au Secours !" Pictoid "Au Secours !","Aide", "bigwindoidzoom", "m=10" end if if S is "88" then repeat 4 Play "2" end repeat answer "Bien tentŽ... mais le trŽsor n'est pas lˆ !" repeat 4 Play "2" end repeat end if if S is "89" then repeat 4 Play "2" end repeat answer "PersŽvŽrez... en allant voir plus au large !" repeat 4 Play "2" end repeat end if end if if WName is "Ile-de-France" then if S is "1" then answer dept(95,"Val-d'Oise","3É",01) if S is "2" then answer dept(78,Yvelines,"3É",01) if S is "3" then answer dept(91,Essonne,"6É",01) if S is "4" then answer dept(93,"Seine-St-Denis","4É",01) if S is "5" then answer dept(94,"Val-de-Marne","4É",01) if S is "6" then answer dept(92,"Hauts-de-Seine","4É",01) if S is "7" then answer dept(75,Paris,"4É - 5É",01) if S is "8" then answer "Etes-vous certain que je suis un dŽpartement ???" with "Succeptible" or "avec a !!" end if if WName is "Outre-Mer" then if S is "1" then answer "PolynŽsie franaise."&return&"Code tŽlŽphonique territorial: 689" &return&&return& "NumŽro abonnŽ ˆ faire prŽcŽder du 06 89." if S is "2" then answer "Nouvelle CalŽdonie."&return&"Code tŽlŽphonique territorial: 687" &return&&return& "NumŽro abonnŽ ˆ faire prŽcŽder du 06 87." if S is "3" then answer "97-5 - St-Pierre & Miquelon."&return&"Code tŽlŽphonique territorial: 508" &return&&return& "NumŽro abonnŽ ˆ faire prŽcŽder du 05 08." if S is "4" then answer "97-6 - Mayotte."&return&"Code tŽlŽphonique territorial: 269" &return&&return& "NumŽro abonnŽ ˆ faire prŽcŽder du 02 69." if S is "5" then answer dept("97-1",Guadeloupe,590," 05 90") if S is "6" then answer dept("97-2",Martinique,596," 05 96") if S is "7" then answer dept("97-3","Guyane franaise",594," 05 94") if S is "8" then answer dept("97-4",RŽunion,262," 02 62") if S is "10" then answer "Wallis & Futuna."&return&"Code tŽlŽphonique territorial: 681" &return&&return& "NumŽro abonnŽ ˆ faire prŽcŽder du 06 81." if S is "9" then repeat 6 Play "2" end repeat answer "Bravo ! Le trŽsor est lˆ, mais il vous faut prendre le bateau ou l'avion pour en prendre possession !" with "J'y cours !!" showLetrŽsor repeat 6 Play "2" end repeat play "3" end if end if if WName is "Le trŽsor" then play "3" answer "Passerais tu ta vie ˆ me chercher par delˆ les montagnes et les ocŽans que tu ne me trouverais pas."&return& "Je suis le fruit de ton dŽlirium trŽmens." with "Mangaaaaaa" close window "Le trŽsor" play "3" end if if WName is "DurŽe/Distance" then if S = 1 then showMoney2 end if end MouseUpInPictoid on showIdF set cursor to watch if there is not a window "Ile-de-France" then Pictoid "Ile-de-France","IdF", "bigwindoidzoom", "m=10" else close window "Ile-de-France" end showIdF on showReg set cursor to watch if there is not a window "RŽgions" then if videoDepth() = 0 then Pictoid "RŽgions","RC","0,0,300,300","C=false","K=true" else Pictoid "RŽgions","RC", "bigwindoidzoom", "m=10" else close window "RŽgions" end showReg on showDept set cursor to watch if there is not a window "DŽpartements" then if videoDepth() = 0 then Pictoid "DŽpartements","DC","0,0,300,300","C=false","K=true" else Pictoid "DŽpartements","DC", "bigwindoidzoom", "m=10" else close window "DŽpartements" end showDept on showDTom set cursor to watch if there is not a window "Outre-mer" then if videoDepth() = 0 then Pictoid "Outre-mer","Outre-mer","0,0,420,300","C=false","K=true" else Pictoid "Outre-mer","Outre-mer","bigwindoidzoom", "m=10" else close window "Outre-mer" end showDTom on showLetrŽsor if there is not a window "Le trŽsor" then if the optionKey is down then Pictoid "Le trŽsor","TrŽsor", "bigwindoidzoom" else Pictoid "Le trŽsor","TrŽsor", "Rect","0,-20" else close window "Le trŽsor" end showLetrŽsor on showMoney set cursor to watch if there is not a window "DurŽe/Distance" then if videoDepth() = 0 then Pictoid "DurŽe/Distance","DurŽe/Distance","0,-10,512,300","C=false","K=true" else Pictoid "DurŽe/Distance","DurŽe/Distance","bigwindoidzoom" else close window "DurŽe/Distance" end showMoney on showMoney1 set cursor to watch if there is not a window "NumŽros ˆ surfacturation" then if videoDepth() = 0 then Pictoid "NumŽros ˆ surfacturation","Surfacturation","0,-10" else Pictoid "NumŽros ˆ surfacturation","Surfacturation","bigwindoidzoom" else close window "NumŽros ˆ surfacturation" end showMoney1 on showMoney2 set cursor to watch if there is not a window "Modulations horaires" then if videoDepth() < 4 then Pictoid "Modulations horaires","Avantages horaires NB","0,-10" else Pictoid "Modulations horaires","Avantages horaires","bigwindoidzoom", "m=10" end if else close window "Modulations horaires" end showMoney2 -- part 1 (field) -- low flags: 05 -- high flags: 2007 -- rect: left=15 top=12 right=226 bottom=230 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 3 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp play "1" end mouseUp -- part 2 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: A000 -- rect: left=327 top=206 right=226 bottom=401 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: Quitter ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp answer return &"Voulez-vous vraiment quitter HyperCard ?" with "Non ! Merci" or OK if it = OK then type "Q" with cmdKey end mouseUp -- part 3 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: A000 -- rect: left=326 top=177 right=195 bottom=404 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: Cožts ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseup answer "Que dĂ©sirez-vous consulter ?" with "N° Ă  surfacturation" or "DurĂ©e/Distance" or "Avantages Horaires" if it is "DurĂ©e/Distance" then showMoney if it is "N° Ă  surfacturation" then showMoney1 if it is "Avantages Horaires" then showMoney2 end mouseup -- part 5 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: A000 -- rect: left=240 top=177 right=195 bottom=318 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: Ë propos ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp put "À propos" into theWindow if videoDepth() ≀2 then put "À proposNB" into theWindow if there is not a window theWindow then repeat 2 play "4" end repeat picture theWindow,resource,shadow,false,8 show window theWindow at 0,-20 else close Window "À propos" end mouseUp -- part 6 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: A000 -- rect: left=240 top=207 right=225 bottom=317 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: Autres ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp if there is not a window "Autres" then if videoDepth() = 0 then Pictoid "Autres","Divers","0,-10,480,300","C=false","K=true" else Pictoid "Autres","Divers","bigwindoidzoom", "m=10" else close window "Autres" end mouseUp -- part 7 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: A000 -- rect: left=259 top=41 right=57 bottom=383 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 3 -- text size: 9 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: RŽgions ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp showReg end mouseUp -- part 8 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: A000 -- rect: left=259 top=67 right=83 bottom=383 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 3 -- text size: 9 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: DŽpartements ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp showDept end mouseUp -- part 9 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: A000 -- rect: left=259 top=93 right=109 bottom=383 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 3 -- text size: 9 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: Ile-de-France ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp showIdF end mouseUp -- part 10 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: A000 -- rect: left=259 top=119 right=135 bottom=383 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 3 -- text size: 9 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: Dom - Tom - Ct ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp showDTom end mouseUp -- part 13 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: 2000 -- rect: left=249 top=9 right=32 bottom=390 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp answer "Ten Digits - Version 1.1 - Novembre 1995." end mouseUp -- part 14 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: A000 -- rect: left=259 top=145 right=162 bottom=383 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 3 -- text size: 9 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: Codes ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp ask "Entrez les deux premiers chiffres de votre numĂ©ro de tĂ©lĂ©phone " &"(prĂ©cĂ©dĂ© du 1 en Ile-de-France) pour connaĂźtre votre futur prĂ©fixe et votre zone." if it ="" or the result ≠ "" then exit mouseUp repeat with i = number of chars of it down to 1 if char i of it is not a number or char i of it = space then next repeat put char i of it before request end repeat put char 1 to 3 of request into request if request <10 then isNoGood exit mouseUp end if if (request>99 and request<130) or request>169 then isNoGood exit mouseUp end if if (request≄130 and request≀169) then put char 2 to 3 of request into request if request is not in "30,34,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,53," &"55,60,64,69" then isNoGood exit mouseUp else answer newCode("« Ile-de-France »","01",request," RĂ©gion Ile-de-France (1) ") exit mouseUp end if if request <100 then if request is in "31,32,33,35,37,38,39,40,41,43,47,48,51,54,96,97,98,99" then answer newCode("« Nord-Ouest »","02",request) else if request is in "20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,44,60,80,81,82,83," &"84,85,86,87,88,89" then answer newCode("« Nord-Est »","03",request) else if request is in "42,50,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79," &"90,91,92,93,94,95" then answer newCode("« Sud-Est »","04",request) else if request is in "34,45,46,49,53,55,56,57,58,59,61,62,63,65" then answer newCode("« Sud-Ouest »","05",request) else isNoGood exit mouseUp end if end if end mouseUp function newCode zone,code,clĂ©,IdF return IdF &clĂ© &" + 6 chiffres" & return & "Vous serez rattachĂ© Ă  la" &" future zone : "& return & zone &"."& return & "Votre nouveau numĂ©ro " &"commencera par : " & return & " " & code &space& clĂ© &&" + 6 chiffres" end newCode on isNoGood answer "Les renseignements fournis ne correspondent Ă  aucun code tĂ©lĂ©phonique " &"en usage en mĂ©tropole." & return &" * * Pour les numĂ©ros spĂ©ciaux, urgences
 cliquez sur le bouton «Autres».* *" & return & "‱ Sinon, reformulez votre demande, merci.‱" with Annuler or Autres or Recommencer if it = recommencer then mouseUp if it = Autres then send mouseUp to btn "Autres" end isNoGood -- part 16 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: A000 -- rect: left=390 top=4 right=21 bottom=413 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 3 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: Ù ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp if there is not a window "MPadLink" then if videoDepth() <4 then pictoid "MPadLink Pub","Pub color","0,-6,500,280","C=false","K=true" else pictoid "MPadLink Pub","Pub Color","bigwindoidzoom" else close window "MPadLink" end mouseUp -- part contents for card part 1 -- note: style data is present ----- text ----- Ü